Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Sarah Fielke's class and WIP Wednesday

I spent the weekend before last in Christchurch to attend a workshop run by Sarah Fielke with a couple of friends.  It was really lovely to get out of town, enjoy the balmy spring weather (it was sunny and calm unlike Wellington which has been extremely windy lately) and spend a few days just sewing and talking about sewing.  I'm going to take the opportunity to talk about the class a bit, and show the WIP I started there.

Sarah's visit was organised by Fenella from Stitch in Christchurch (you may remember that her mother Penny designed the pattern for my Hexy Ottoman) and she was an active participant in the workshop as well as having a lovely range of fabric and notions available for sale.

The workshop spanned three days - Friday and Saturday were for participants to learn how to make the Fancy That quilt from Sarah's latest book Hand Quilted With Love.

Fancy That - photo from Sarah Fielke's website

I'm making this quilt for my sister, so I let her choose the feature fabric to use in the points of the central star.  Sarah used a large floral print, but after I pulled out all of my large scale prints my sister chose this really gorgeous fabric from Rashida Coleman Hale's Washi range.  I've been hoarding it for ages and waiting for just the right project.

For the fans, I pulled a selection of fabrics which echo the colours of the washi tape in this print.  I'm using a grey Crosshatch Sketch for the background - I thought it might be a bit simpler to work with than linen while still having some texture and interest.

Getting started on Fancy That

After cutting lots and lots of strips and sewing them together, I cut out the wedges to make my fans.  The next part involves needle turn appliqué.  I abandonned my last needle turn appliqué project (a single quilt block that's not finished after nearly 2 years and probably never will be) so was a bit hestitant about this step.  I think Sarah's technique makes it pretty easy, although appliquéing such a large piece was tricky and I ended up with a bit of a lump in my appliqué.

My version of Fancy That
My version of Fancy That - definitely still a WIP

I will unpick and stitch it back down straight - fortunately it didn't take too long.  If you are interested, you can learn Sarah's needle turn appliqué technique (and lots of other things) in her Craftsy Class.

One of my favourite parts of the class was seeing how the Fancy That quilt looked in all the different colour and fabric combinations chosen by the other participants.  All the quilts being made were lovely but these two caught my eye and made me think "I wish I'd thought of that"!.

Julia's version of Fancy That
Julia Fomison's version of Fancy That

I just adore this combination of Anna Maria Horner's Hand Drawn Garden collection with Art Gallery Fabrics Oval Elements and a little bit of Architextures thrown in for good measure.  With the bright green background it's definitely a slap you in the face kind of quilt, in the best possible way.

Jo's version of Fancy That
Jo Sewell's version of Fancy That

I thought Jo's combination of lovely warm Kaffe Fassett fabrics and Mirror Ball Dots was unexpected and delightful.  The colours just glow against the soft grey background.  I also thought Jo's choice to arrange her fabrics in colour order was inspired.

I hope both Jo and Julia will let me know when they've finished their quilts - I'd love to see them and I'd love to share them too.  I have lots more photos and things to share from the class so look out for at least one more post coming soon.

Linking up with Lee at Freshly Pieced:

WIP Wednesday at Freshly Pieced

Pssst... Craftsy are having a 48 hour flash sale - click on the banner to check out the bargains to be had!

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1. Nilya said...

I love your Fancy That Version. Looks so great, I have to Keep that in mind... haha... my list is soooo Long!

2. Jess @ Elven Garden Quilts said...

It looks amazing Adrianne! I'm using Sarah's appliqué technique for my MATO appliqué and am absolutely loving it - very jealous that you got to take her class!

3. Alyce @ Blossom Heart Quilts said...

Ooooh, you chose the perfect mix of prints to match Washi!! Gemma will LOVE this - they're so her colours!

4. Notchka said...

Great choices - I hope to pop back and see the final thing. That cross hatch is so versatile, great choice here!

5. Anonymous said...

I love Sarah Fielke and I love what you've done with her pattern! I'm really excited to see it come together. That washi print is so cool. I hadn't seen it before.

6. Megan said...

They are all beautiful! Looks like a lot of appliqué to keep you busy!

7. Little Island Quilting said...


8. Anne said...

Oh lucky you, a workshop with Sarah Fielke! Your fabrics look great together, I'm sure the quilt will be a beauty. And very interesting to see the choices other people make.

9. Claudia said...

I love your combination of fabrics -- so bright and cheerful. I would be tempted to simply iron back those web sections (with sizing) and applique by machine (gasp!).

10. Teresa @ Aurea's Kitchen said...

I really like how you use all the colours. It's amazing.

11. Sabrina said...

Oh my gosh, this is going to be incredible! The washi tape fabric is perfect!!

12. hydeeannsews said...

that was one of my favorites from the book. yours looks amazing already! good for you for tackling it. maybe between her class and the book I might get around to it one day - I have both. love all the other versions, too! it's a beauty.

13. Lucy said...

I love the colors you're using in your Fancy That! What a fun quilt!

14. Cille said...

It looks great - wonderful colors. I have all of Sarah Fielkes books (though I never made anything directly) Just the patterns ideas are so great. Also took an craftsy class with her recently. Next best thing to being in a real class :)

15. Cristina @ Pretty Little Quilts said...


16. Gina said...

I have been saving my washi for a fun project i have yet to figure out!! Love your quilt for your sister; the fabrics you pulled to go alongside the Washi look great!

17. Janine @ Rainbow Hare said...

You sister is very lucky! This is going to be a fabulous quilt :)

18. dutchcomfort said...

I really love your version of the Fancy That quilt!

19. Yvonne Campbell said...

Beautiful. I love it! Lucky sister.

20. Erica said...

Your version is AMAZING. I just love the colors.

21. Gooba Designs said...

Your sister is super lucky! I love the Washi color scheme for sure. Very nice work.

22. Anonymous said...

Your work always blows me away... and this quilt will be no exception. Scrap fabulous.