Friday, 26 July 2013

Hexy Quilted Ottoman

A few weeks ago I had the pleasure of taking a class, organised through the Capital Quilters Guild, with Penny and Fenella from Stitch Playroom in Christchurch.  We were making this very cool hexagon ottoman, which is designed by Penny and which they sell as a pattern in their shop.


The first step was learning to machine piece hexagons - I've watched the videos and understood conceptually how to do this, but had never mustered up the guts to actually give it a go.  Omg - it's really not difficult, and now I really want to make a hexagon quilt.  I was also very pleased to be able to use some of the heavier weight fabrics that have been hanging around in my stash for a while.

By the way, please excuse the slightly scrunched seams where the top attaches to the sides of the ottoman.  This is not a design flaw, but simply that I didn't follow the instructions to press these seams after sewing because I was TOO EXCITED and had to fill the ottoman IMMEDIATELY!


This is the bottom of the ottoman, made using some upholstery weight fabric offcuts (kindly donated by my friend Anne's mother from her interior decorating business).  It was great to learn how to put in a proper covered zip from someone who really knew what they were doing.  Even though the fabric is super thick and a bit tricky to work with, I think my zip looks pretty good!  By the way, I have used both the right side and the wrong side of the upholstery fabric (partly, to be honest, because I couldn't really figure out which was which, but mostly because I think they both look good), and I love the effect. [EDIT - I've been informed that side with white background and beige leaves is technically the right side of this fabric.]


The sides are made using an Anna Maria Horner linen that I absolutely love.  Have I mentioned before that I love yellow?  This mustardy hue is a particular favourite.  I think this shot also gives a good idea of the scale of the ottoman - it definitely makes a comfy foot rest.  It's stuffed with polystyrene beads (like you'd fill a bean bag with) so it's sturdy enough to sit on, but still light.  Yes, getting them into the lining bag did involve much shrieking and hilarity.  I'm going to share Penny's advice on this - it is a two person job, and if you put the ottoman in the bath to fill it, (most of) the spilled beans will be contained and easily vacuumed up.
Have you made any home dec items lately?
Linking up with finish it up friday at crazy mom quilts.

Also, this is the first of my third quarter goals that I've finished - yay!  I'll be linking up with Leanne at she can quilt at the end of September as part of the 2013 Finish Along.

she can quilt


1. Jessica said...

This is absolutely gorgeous!! Love everything about it :)

2. Susan at said...

Man! That's awesome! Love it and love the size.

3. Kirsten said...

Just adore this - it looks so lovely and comfortable too!!

4. Tammy said...

Wow that is beautiful....I love it...ANd the fabrics are awesome too.

5. Dominique said...

Wow! it never occurred to me that one can make actual furniture just using sewing skills! Good fabric choices, and the hexagons are perfect!

6. Elmosmate said...

Love it! it looks so good. I did Penny's Hexagon class and the technique is fun and easy.

7. Suz J said...

It looks terrific - love the action shot - is it a coincidence that it matches the book cover??? Just wondering...

8. nicole said...

Holy wow! It's way bigger than i thought! And so amazing... i may need to make some for my place!
Unless of course you want to send this one to me ;)

9. Nat at Made in Home said...

It looks great. Did not realise how big it was until the last shot. I have a home deco item in the works. Just need to get started!

10. Susan said...

Great finish Adrianne! Your fabric choices are spot on! I've always wanted to make one of to find a suitable pattern!

11. Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation said...

awesome! I flatly refuse to have beanbags for wild thing and his friends, but I could definitely get behind this!

:) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

12. Lucy | Charm About You said...

I am so in love with this!! I seriously need that pattern!

13. Carla said...

Very very cool! You did a great job. I've made two of these and will probably make another : )

14. AmandaK@whatthebobbin said...

I adore this! I need one too.

15. Sarah @ mila+cuatro said...

Looks great, and yay for your first Q3 FAL finish.

16. Camilla said...

Do love this and exciting to know that the Stitch playroom is just around the corner from my dear friends in Christchurch, so that 's something to look forward to next year. Sounds like they're attracting lots of big names!

17. Amanda said...

That ottoman is great. It looks like the perfect compliment to a Sunday morning mug of tea.